jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

I won't give up, but I'm really tired

If I'm writing in English(or I'm trying to do it), it's because I'm not feeling well, something about Mia Spencer. Do you remember her?

Things aren't going well in a lot of plains of my life, and that makes me sad, really sad (I need my psychologist right now!!!).

It's in these moments when I start to analyze my life with questions like: Who am I? What do I want? What do I need? Where am I? Where do I go? ... the typical question for someone who lose his memory in a comedy.

Obviously, I have a problem and, obviously, I need do something, but... What? I asked to my psychologist and my boyfriend, and both answer me "I don't know", so... What can I do?

By other side, my body is let me know that it's not happy with all this. Hey, someone up there!! Is this really necessary?

The only thing I know is I need find a solution, and I need it know before I lose all my strengths.

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